Yearly Archives


24 Sep 2019

‘Show me the market’ is the name I chose for this part of the site, but the young people of the site objected to the name and chose the name “work and earn” and because  of their opinion was the majority, their will prevailed. But in this article I think I have the right to write what I want so I will call this article “Show me the market”.

Show me the market will contain activities that we can do online that we can make an income from. The activities I will share with you are the ones I’ve tried, helped, participated in, or were tried by colleagues I trust. The activities I will talk about will range from simple activities that we can do besides our main job by allocating only some time a day to them, to small and medium enterprises that rely heavily on the Internet.

This part of the site is also open to anyone who has had a successful experience of a project or even a simple activity that generates a halal profit, and would like to share his experience with an article, video, or even an audio file.

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24 Sep 2019

The idea

The idea is to simply create a merchant account on an e-shopping site, for example Souq website, and start placing products on the site to sell. In short, you have a store without any financial costs, then you start to choose one or more products photographed professionally, and put them on the market site, and choose a suitable name and a clear description of the product. Then the marketing phase of the product starts on social media, for example. Then receive the product orders, and start packaging the product, and the representative of the shipping company for the site of the market will come to you  to receive the product and deliver it to the customer. Souq will transfer the sales amount to your balance after deducting commission and any other expenses.

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24 Sep 2019

One of the world’s largest universities in technology is MIT University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. My biggest dream was to meet one of the professors who studied at this institute, and now many training programs and courses offered by those university professors are available online. The idea of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) has also emerged. Long story short, every person has the right to attend any of the courses he wants from anywhere at any time and without any obstacles. Education platforms such as Coursera contain courses and training programs from most of the world’s largest universities such as Stanford University, the University of California San Diego, the University of Philadelphia and many of the largest universities from more than 27 countries. The site does not only offer courses, but also full majors, diplomas and masters. A degree in a particular discipline can be obtained free of charge or financial aid can be requested for free. There are many articles and videos explaining how this is done, the following is a set of platforms that offer online courses:

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6 Aug 2019

What is Digital Marketing? 

Before starting the digital marketing study, let’s emphasize that digital marketing is the product of integrating IT science with marketing science. To start learning digital marketing and excellence, you have to have enough marketing principles and skillfully deal with technology, and every specialty of digital marketing needs a different degree of in-depth knowledge of marketing science or science of information technology science. For example, to study and specialize in “Search Engine Optimization”, you need to be familiar with the customer’s behavior and familiar with the principles and basics of website building and web hosting as well.

The beauty of digital marketing is that there is a diversity of skills and personal qualities needed for each group of jobs. For example, a person with a high intelligence IQ, a number-lover, is proficient in managing and improving the results of media advertising campaigns, and is proficient in learning and mastering the Technology part, works in the field of SEO or ASO. There is another profile for the person with social intelligence who works to create and manage communities on social networks, and so on …

How to learn digital marketing?

There are many educational resources that we can start with, of course, other than books of course for those who want to study more academically, and the following is a set of sites that offer free courses in digital marketing:

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21 Jul 2019

A group of scenes, not erased from my memory, ever since I was 9 years old, we had a neighbor in the chalet next to us on the beach of Mandara, one of the beaches of Alexandria, and this neighbor offered  to teach me and my younger brother swimming.

Within the first lesson I started swimming and crossed a distance.I tried to stand and discovered that the depth of the sea is deeper than my height, I began to sink and scenes  rolled in front of my eyes to to be burned forever in my memory.

The first scene I drowned and floated only to see the person who trained us standing still, watching me drown yet not moving. I dive and float again and this person is still. My younger brother began to swim towards me to save me. I dive and float and the scene is still repeated and the coach is standing and my brother is moving in my direction. When I float that time, I see my brother beside me and he starts to skip me and continues to swim deeper and dive again as I reach out to hold my brother and hold his hand.  At that moment the ends of my legs  touched the earth to strike the ground, and with the movement of the wave, my height became longer than the depth of the sea water. Providence saved us, my brother and I thank God… Then we find out later that this coach does not know how to swim!!! Yes, he does not know how to swim. So he doesn’t even know the first thing about swimming to train  it. Read More